Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Catch Up!

I am so sorry for the long lull in blogging. It does not mean we have not been busier than ever, it is because my computer has had a virus and I have just now been able to get it fixed and I hate blogging from my desktop or iPad. Please forgive the absence!

We have had a PACKED Fall and I would not have had it any other way. After my parents left from their Halloween visit, we filled our days with: 

Turkey outfits:

Playing LOTS outside:

Preparing for Maggie's arrival:

Eating with our wonderful neighbors:

Becoming a big girl and doing things ourselves:

Auburn watch parties with Auburn friends: 


Playing with our neighbors:


Turkey kisses:


Catching birds in our house:

Getting ready for school: 


Playing in the leaves: 

Celebrating friends birthdays:

Strolls with neighbors:

Helping daddy work from home some: 

Wardrobe changes:

and so much more! So much more includes Ryan's parents visiting, a Highlands anniversary trip, and a fun surprise visit! Stay tuned or read up above!

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