Happy 11th month birthday Mae Mae! I can't believe you have one more month before you are ONE! We have loved each month more than the last and life just gets better and better with you!
This month you are now at 12 teeth and counting! I cant believe it! It seems to be more than most babies your age, but I am glad they are all coming in quick so we can get the pain over with! You got your 12th one today, January 25th. The 8th tooth came in on Jan. 8th and the 9th tooth came in on January 11th. The 10th tooth came in on Jan. 19th! You have 4 top teeth, 4 bottom teeth and one of each side, top and bottom molars!
You are SOOO close to walking, and I really think you could do it now, but you seem a little scared! I know you will do it in your own timing. You have taken a few steps with mommy and daddy and your grandparents, but nothing too consistent.
You will stand on your own without realizing it when playing, but as soon as you realize it you sit back down!
You still LOVE baby food, but will eat pretty much anything as well. Mommy tries to feed you one baby food and some real people food each time you eat. You love to eat and make a 'num num num' sound the entire time you are eating it! Especially with cheerios and bananas! It is hilarious!
You are still in size 3 diapers. Mommy got on the scale with you yesterday and you are just under 20.5 lbs.
BB bought you some more shoes this past week to add to your collection she has been storing for months! We took you to Sike's where your daddy and grandmother used to get their shoes. They measured your feet and you loved picking out some new shoes! I think you and BB both have the same shoe obsession now!
Your K. Paw painted your toe nails for the first time this month! You loved it and were very still! When mommy says 'look at your pretty toes' you will grab your feet and admire your toes! So funny seeing baby toes painted!
You are OBSESSED with Eli! Y'all are best friends! He has been inside a lot lately because of the cold, and you both play, you feed him cheerios, and you pet him so sweetly.
Some sweet friends from Huntsville gave you a silky pillow at one of your showers before you were born. I thought it would be good decoration, but I was wrong! You are LOVING it and love to feel the silk on your face when you sleep. You are an extra good cuddler if mommy puts the pillow on her chest and you snuggle so sweetly! Now, mommy is just trying how to sneak it away to wash it!
This past month you learned to climb the stairs. We invested in a gate immediately. You can climb the entire flight of stairs if someone is with you and you are so proud of yourself that you clap when you are done!
You are a genius (we think). You can say: Eli, light, eyes, hot, catch, uh-oh, up, mama, dada, nonna, and recently you said no. I am hoping that doesn't become a habit! ;)
We love you K. Mae and cant wait to celebrate your first birthday in one month! Mommy has it all planned and ready to go (hence the move coming up she went ahead and got it all done!) We are having a "We heart Mae" party because we LOVE you so much! Thank you for making us a mommy and daddy, we love our new roles!